However, Indian fuel price inflation accelerated to an eight-week high in mid-June and the government's recent move to hike dieseland other fuel prices is expected to put upward pressure on prices in coming weeks and push headline inflation towards double digits. Local sentiments also remained optimistic as FIIs have turned net buyers since Thursday, indicating that interest of foreign funds are not fading any time soon. Back on Dalal Street, the benchmark began the expiry session on an optimistic note and oscillated above the neutral line in a narrow range through most part of the session, lacking any kind of volatility which is typically evident on F&O settlement days. After registering losses in the two previous F&O series, the June series F&O showed a swashbuckling performance adding over four percent from the last series. The NSE's 50-share broadly followed index Nifty, settled close to a percent gains just below the crucial 5,650 support level while Bombay Stock Exchange's Sensitive Index, Sensex amassed over one hundred and fifty points to close below the failed to mirror the performance showcased by their larger peers and important psychological 18,850 level. However, the broader markets negotiated only moderate gains. The midcap index added 0.32% points while the smallcap index rose 0.57% point. On the sectoral front, it was the defensive - FMCG pocket which once again outperformed not only its sectoral peers but also the benchmarks and surged by close to 2%.For the upcoming series 5760-5770 could be the crucial resistance zone where we believe spot index may find some consolidation. Any closing above this level may boost the traders sentiment however 5900-5930 may be the next resistance zone. On the flip side 5500-5530 may provide some important cushions on downside. HAPPY TRADING…….
Monday, July 4, 2011
Monthly Magazine Report - From the desk of Research - By Mansukh
The June series Futures and Options contract settlement turned out to be an encouraging event for the Indian markets as bulls showed strong buying interests in majority of the blue chip stocks. Hefty short covering in the dying hours ahead of the series expiry further stoked the benchmarks to settle around the high point of the day. The resilient markets seldom shown any signs of capitulation in last six sessions, as they vivaciously rallied over 1,250 (Sensex) and 350 (Nifty) points during the period. Sentiments mained upbeat across the lobe as investors ontinued to capitalize on he positive momentum om the previous session fter the Greek government uccessfully voted in favor fstringent austerity easures. A second vote for he implementation of the measures is expected in Greece later in the day. Majority of the Asian equity indices settled in the green zone with smart gains while the European counterparts too exhibited mixed trends ahead of a second vote for the implementation of the measures scheduled later in the day. In the meantime domestic sentiments also got buoyed by encouraging food inflation numbers which drifted sharply to one and a half month low levels, a week after convalescing over 9% levels. The moderation in inflation numbers came a day after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that inflation will come down to 6.5% by March-end if international oil prices soften and commodity prices do not rise further. The numbers indicate that RBI, which has hiked its key interest rate by 2.75% points since March 2010, may not resort to rate resort to further hikes and soften its hawkish stance against inflation.
However, Indian fuel price inflation accelerated to an eight-week high in mid-June and the government's recent move to hike dieseland other fuel prices is expected to put upward pressure on prices in coming weeks and push headline inflation towards double digits. Local sentiments also remained optimistic as FIIs have turned net buyers since Thursday, indicating that interest of foreign funds are not fading any time soon. Back on Dalal Street, the benchmark began the expiry session on an optimistic note and oscillated above the neutral line in a narrow range through most part of the session, lacking any kind of volatility which is typically evident on F&O settlement days. After registering losses in the two previous F&O series, the June series F&O showed a swashbuckling performance adding over four percent from the last series. The NSE's 50-share broadly followed index Nifty, settled close to a percent gains just below the crucial 5,650 support level while Bombay Stock Exchange's Sensitive Index, Sensex amassed over one hundred and fifty points to close below the failed to mirror the performance showcased by their larger peers and important psychological 18,850 level. However, the broader markets negotiated only moderate gains. The midcap index added 0.32% points while the smallcap index rose 0.57% point. On the sectoral front, it was the defensive - FMCG pocket which once again outperformed not only its sectoral peers but also the benchmarks and surged by close to 2%.For the upcoming series 5760-5770 could be the crucial resistance zone where we believe spot index may find some consolidation. Any closing above this level may boost the traders sentiment however 5900-5930 may be the next resistance zone. On the flip side 5500-5530 may provide some important cushions on downside. HAPPY TRADING…….
However, Indian fuel price inflation accelerated to an eight-week high in mid-June and the government's recent move to hike dieseland other fuel prices is expected to put upward pressure on prices in coming weeks and push headline inflation towards double digits. Local sentiments also remained optimistic as FIIs have turned net buyers since Thursday, indicating that interest of foreign funds are not fading any time soon. Back on Dalal Street, the benchmark began the expiry session on an optimistic note and oscillated above the neutral line in a narrow range through most part of the session, lacking any kind of volatility which is typically evident on F&O settlement days. After registering losses in the two previous F&O series, the June series F&O showed a swashbuckling performance adding over four percent from the last series. The NSE's 50-share broadly followed index Nifty, settled close to a percent gains just below the crucial 5,650 support level while Bombay Stock Exchange's Sensitive Index, Sensex amassed over one hundred and fifty points to close below the failed to mirror the performance showcased by their larger peers and important psychological 18,850 level. However, the broader markets negotiated only moderate gains. The midcap index added 0.32% points while the smallcap index rose 0.57% point. On the sectoral front, it was the defensive - FMCG pocket which once again outperformed not only its sectoral peers but also the benchmarks and surged by close to 2%.For the upcoming series 5760-5770 could be the crucial resistance zone where we believe spot index may find some consolidation. Any closing above this level may boost the traders sentiment however 5900-5930 may be the next resistance zone. On the flip side 5500-5530 may provide some important cushions on downside. HAPPY TRADING…….
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